
\\ Tele-Lectures\ Lecture Series\ Iconic Turn


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»Iconic Turn« - The new image of the world


The "Iconic Turn" lecture series is organised by the Burda Academy for the Third Millennium in collaboration with the Human Sciences Centre of Ludwig Maximilian's University (LMU), Munich, Germany. From Summer Semester 2002 to Summer Semester 2003 netzspannung.org, as a cooperation partner, recorded the lectures, streamed them live and documented them on this platform. The video recordings of the lecture series from winter semester 2004 on are available on the » organiser's website.


Prominent artists and scholars spoke from a variety of perspectives on the increased importance of the image in culture, society and science.


› Summer Semester 2002  
› Winter Semester 2002/03  
› Summer Semester 2003  


› Jan Assmann | › Gottfried Boehm | › Reinhard Brandt | › Stephan Braunfels | › Horst Bredekamp | › Bazon Brock | › Hubert Burda | › Norman Foster | › Wolfgang Heckl  | › Stefan Heidenreich | › Martin Kemp | › Friedrich Kittler | › Heinz Otto Peitgen | › Rolf Pfeifer | › Willibald Sauerländer | › Wolf Singer | › Barbara Maria Stafford | › Bill Viola | › Peter Weibel | › Wim Wenders | › Anton Zeilinger | › Semir Zeki
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"Iconic Turn" Summer Semester 2002

Bazon Brock

Professor of aesthetics, Bergische Universität-Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, Germany
"Imaging als Einheit von Künsten und Wissenschaften" (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 120 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Bazon Brock  

Wolf Singer

Direktor, Max-Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
"Vom Bild zur Wahrnehmung" (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 110 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Wolf Singer  

Norman Foster

Architect, Foster and Partners - architects and designers, London, Great Britain
"Stadterneuerung" (in English)

› Video [RealMedia | 85 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Norman Foster  

Reinhard Brandt

Professor of philosophy, Philipps University Marburg, Germany
"Von der Wahrnehmung zum Bild" (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 100 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
» About Reinhard Brandt  

Horst Bredekamp

Art historian, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
"Kunstgeschichte als historische Bildwissenschaft" (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 90 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Horst Bredekamp  

Friedrich Kittler

Professor of media history, Humboldt University, Berlin
"Das berechnete Bild" (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 105 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Friedrich Kittler  
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"Iconic Turn" Winter Semester 2002/03

Hubert Burda

Chairman of Board of Directors, Hubert Burda Media, Munich, Germany
Words of welcome (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 25 Min.]  
› About Hubert Burda  

Wim Wenders

Film-maker, Los Angeles, USA
"'Every Picture Tells a Story' - von ORTEN als AUTOREN" (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 120 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Wim Wenders  

Jan Assmann

Professor of Egyptology, Institute of Egyptology, University of Heidelberg, Germany
"Die Frühzeit des Bildes: Der altägyptische Iconic Turn" (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 110 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Jan Assmann  

Rolf Pfeifer

Professor of artificial intelligence, Institute of Computer Science, University of Zurich, Switzerland
"Die Visualisierung von Intelligenz" (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 95 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Rolf Pfeifer  

Semir Zeki

Professor of brain research, University College, London, Great Britain
"Neural Concept Formation and Art: Dante, Michelangelo, Wagner" (in English)

› Video [RealMedia | 85 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Semir Zeki  

Martin Kemp

Professor of art history, University of Oxford, Great Britain
"Structural Intuitions in Art and Science" (in English)

› Video [RealMedia | 75 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Martin Kemp  

Gottfried Boehm

Professor of modern art history, University of Basel, Switzerland
"Jenseits der Sprache? Anmerkungen zur Logik der Bilder" (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 65 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
» About Gottfried Boehm  

Anton Zeilinger

Experimental physicist, Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Vienna, Austria
"Nicht-Lokalität in der Quantenphysik" (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 30 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Anton Zeilinger  

Peter Weibel

Director, Centre for Art and Media Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
"Ortlosigkeit und Bilderfülle - Fernwirkung und Ferngesellschaft" (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 35 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Peter Weibel  
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"Iconic Turn" Summer Semester 2003

Stefan Heidenreich

Art historian and media scholar, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
"Revolution der modernen Kunst - und was hat die Fotografie damit zu tun?" (in German)
With words of welcome by Ernst Pöppel, executive director, Centre for the Human Sciences (HWZ), Ludwig Maximilian's University, Munich, and an introduction by Professor Hubertus Kohle, Ludwig Maximilian's University, Munich, Germany

› Video [RealMedia | 140 Min.]  
› Video [Windows Media | 140 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
›  About Stefan Heidenreich  

Stephan Braunfels

Architect, Stephan Braunfels Architects, Munich, Germany
"Die europäische Stadt und die moderne Architektur" (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 67 Min.]  
› Video [Windows Media | 67 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Stephan Braunfels  

Heinz Otto Peitgen

Professor of mathematics and biomedical sciences, University of Bremen and Florida Atlantic University, USA
"Ordnung im Chaos - Chaos in der Ordnung - Risse im mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Weltbild" (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 100 Min.]  
› Video [Windows Media | 100 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Heinz Otto Peitgen  

Barbara Maria Stafford

Professor of art history, University of Chicago, USA
"Towards a Cognitive Image History: From Iconic Turn to Neuronal Aesthetics" (in English)

› Video [RealMedia | 90 Min.]  
› Video [Windows Media | 90 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Barbara Maria Stafford  

Bill Viola

Video artist, USA
"Video Art, Sense Perception and Human Experience" (in English)

› Video [RealMedia | 100 Min.]  
› Video [Windows Media | 100 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Bill Viola  

Wolfgang Heckl

Professor of nanotechnology, LMU Munich, Department of Geo- and Environmental Sciences, crystallography section, Germany
"Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen - Nanowissenschaft als Schüsseltechnologie des 21. Jahrhunderts" (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 100 Min.]  
› Video [Windows Media | 100 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Wolfgang Heckl  

Willibald Sauerländer

Professor of art history, art critic, Munich, Germany
"Iconic Turn? Eine Bitte um Ikonoklasmus" (in German)

› Video [RealMedia | 100 Min.]  
› Video [Windows Media | 100 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Willibald Sauerländer  
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To view the tele-lectures, you will need RealPlayer or Windows Media Player, which can be downloaded free of charge from: » http://www.real.com or » http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/
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