\\ Media Art Research\ Publications\ Digital Transformations |
Media Art at the Interface between Art, Science, Economy and Society |
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The publication ”Digital Transformations” deals with fundamental transformations of art and modern life caused by digital technologies. Theoreticians, artists and scientists express their view along with producers, sponsors and intermediators. They present digital transformations in its manifold functions and with tangible examples as a new aesthetic and innovative research. Art with information technology is about finding and creating images on the basis of communication processes and about conceptual strategies and cognitive methods. The editors Ulrike Reinhard and Monika Fleischmann would like to address not only the traditional cultural sector but to position media art at the interface between technology, economy, science and culture. Their aim is to reach those readers who are willing to appreciate and support this kind of art as an important key factor for new thinking and innovation. Media art shows new views of the world. It reveals how we understand what we see and hear. The texts, which are offered online on this platform, provide an insight into discourses and artistic practices in the German-speaking region.
A text-to-speech-enginge, which was developed at the MARS-Exploratory Media Lab for the » Energie_Passagen project, generates an voice output of the text files. An audio file with a text collage of the articles in ”Digital Transformations” is available here: › [RealMedia | 5.03 Min] Read more about the making of this text collage: › [PDF | 67,4 KB]
The printed Version of Digital Transformations |
Digital Transformation was developed in cooperation between the whois publishing company and the MARS-Exploratory Media Lab of the Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication in Sankt Augustin. The hardback edition offers not only much to read but also audio files. Oliver Siebeck reads out all the articles on the enclosed CD.
 Publishing Company
 » Order the hardback edition
At the book presentation on 2 December 2004, a round table with experts took part in Berlin. Representatives from art, economy, science and politics expressed their opinion about the topic of eCulture. Photos of this event are downloadable » here - You can also take a look at the interesting › report of the discussion.
NAME, first name: Title. Published on netzspannung.org: › http://netzspannung.org/positions/digital-transformations
02. Dezember 2004, netzspannung.org ISSN 1614-6662
First publication in: FLEISCHMANN, Monika; REINHARD, Ulrike (Hrsg.):
Digitale Transformationen. Medienkunst als Schnittstelle von Kunst, Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.
Heidelberg, 2004.
 © 2004-2009 Fraunhofer IAIS.MARS and the authors |