\\ netzspannung.org\ History\ Context |
netzspannung.org in context |
In recent years other online archives relating to digital art and culture have been created besides netzspannung.org. Their focus is mainly on documenting digital works and not on building up a collection or on conserving works.
| netzspannung.org combines different approaches. On the one hand, the platform documents media art works and events in a way similar to V2 or the Ars Electronica Center. But, on the other, it also puts great emphasis on communicating content. Modules designed to communicate content, such as the fields "Media art and research" and "Learning media art", are supplemented by the development of innovative applications that support the process of accessing and communicating knowledge. With its knowledge discovery tools Semantic Map and Timeline, netzspannung.org provides tools that make it possible to explore large and thematically heterogeneous knowledge spaces. The intention is to further develop these tools as authoring tools, so that content can be published for blended learning applications specifically aimed at particular target groups.
› Knowledge Discovery
 © 2004-2009 Fraunhofer IAIS.MARS and the authors |