\\ netzspannung.org\ Workshops |
Expert workshops focusing on the development of netzspannung.org |
The Internet platform netzspannung.org has been developed and run since late 1999 by the MARS exploratory media lab as part of the CAT (Communication, Art & Technology) project. At a series of workshops, important thematic and conceptual issues relating to the platform were discussed with experts. The aim of these discussions was to incorporate their experiences and skills in the development of the project and to optimize the Internet platform according to the needs of the different target groups.
| The first workshop, " CAT - Communication of Art and Technology?", took place on 16 September 1999 at the Institute's centre in Sankt Augustin. Experts from the fields of art, research and commerce examined the requirements, as elaborated in the CAT study, for such a competence centre and formulated them in more precise terms. › more
| The aim of the second workshop, which was held on February 2000 and addressed the theme "Community-Workshop: Platform Technologie", was to define the technical requirements and guidelines for developing the Internet platform as a database-supported community system. › more
| The workshop "Timelines, Clusters, Knowledge Maps", held on 20 July 2001, evaluated the knowledge map system that the CAT team developed to contextualize the platform's heterogeneous content and make it explorable in an intuitive way. › more
| The workshop "Online learning modules for media art", held on 6 February 2003 in Berlin, was attended by experts from projects connected with media-cultural education. Its aim was to identify the specific requirements for online learning offers in the media-cultural area and to synergize the activities already present in this field. › more
 © 2004-2009 Fraunhofer IAIS.MARS and the authors |