The paper presents a conceptual model of a Mixed Reality architecture by the fusion of physical and digital space exemplified with the Murmuring Fields scenario. The concept of spatial perception is supported by perceptive interfaces superimposing different levels of reality. This situation shapes the performers experience of being present in Mixed Reality space by acting. The structure of this Mixed Reality architecture is a notation system describing layers of physical and digital space for a hypermedia storybook. The interconnected space creates a new framework for communication and interaction. To this end, the result is eMUSE, electronic Multi-user stage environment for rapid prototyping of Mixed Reality architectures.
KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen
- Wolfgang Strauss, MARS Exploratory Media Lab // FhG Institut für Medienkommunikation
- Monika Fleischmann, MARS Exploratory Media Lab // FhG Institut für Medienkommunikation
Deutschland, 1999-2002
Eingabe des Beitrags
Wolfgang Strauss, 15.06.2001
- künstlerische Arbeit