IKI-IKI Phone is a multi-user, networked Artificial Life (= Alife) art game for the I-mode mobile phones. In this system, subscribed users can create Artificial Life creatures (= IKI-IKI pets), interact with these pets, feed them, take care of them, and evolve them. Networked users can also share their pets with other mobile phones users, trade them, watch them compete against each other, become friends with each other, create offspring and develop an IKI-IKI pet society. Users can also start communicating with each other through their shared pets.
KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen
- Christa Sommerer, ATR Media Integration and Communications Research Lab; IAMAS Institute for Advanced Media Arts and Sciences
- Laurent Mignonneau, ATR Media Integration and Communications Research Lab; IAMAS Institute for Advanced Media Arts and Sciences › Biografie
- Roberto Lopez-Gulliver, ATR Media Integration and Communications Research Lab
Japan, 2001
Eingabe des Beitrags
Christa Sommerer, 15.06.2001
- künstlerische Arbeit
Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste
- Artificial Life |
- multi-user inter-action |
- interactive games and entertainment |
- mobile phones |
- I-mode