KurzdarstellungKurzbeschreibungThis paper introduces our project: Public Communication Sculpture (PCS), artworks and exhibitions. We conclude with short descriptions of our work to date. PCS is the art project which creates and produces interactive artwork installations in a public space, where the audience consists primarily of passersby. This project aims to create unexpected encounters and communication between these passersby. KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen- Noriyuki Fujimura, Visit researcher of Keio University SFC Research Center, Keio University, jp
EntstehungJapan, 1998-2001 Partner / SponsorenKeio University, jp Eingabe des BeitragsNoriyuki Fujimura, 15.06.2001 Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste- Urban planning |
- Communication |
- Shared environment |
- Role of art in society |
- Public space |
- Interaction |
- Public art |
- Interface without instruction