The "Evolved Virtual Creatures" project was developed in 1994 at Thinking Machines Corporation. I was an Artist in Residence there,
and was given the task of showing the computational ability of their Connection Machine (one of the first parallel processing supercomputers) in a visually demonstrable way.
This was the last project of a series, the others being 3d animations ("Panspermia", "Primordial Dance", and "Liquid Selves") and the interactive exhibit "Genetic Images".
- Sims, K.arl: "Evolving Virtual Creatures"; in: Computer Graphics (Siggraph '94 Proceedings, Annual Conference Series), Juli 1994, S.15-22.
- Sims, Karl: "Evolving 3D Morphology and Behavior by Competition"; in: Artificial Life IV Proceedings, MIT Press, 1994, S.28-39.
- Sims, Karl: "Artificial Evolution for Computer Graphics"; in: Computer Graphics, Vol.25, Nr.4, Juli 1991, S.319-328.
- Sims, Karl: "Interactive Evolution of Dynamical Systems." In: Varela, Francisco (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the First European Conference on Artificial Life: Toward a Practice of Autonomous Systems, MIT Press, 1992, S.171-178.